Please find below a potted history of this amazing old building
Lot 21 of Cromwell Road (now Battery End), Land bought from Thomas William Chivers of Rose Cottage, Wash Common for the sum of 20.00 pounds. (2,363.40 pounds in todays money)
The first part of the of the hut was built as a working mens club and named Club Hall
8th November 1924 - Agreement was made to puchase some of Mrs Popejoy's land behind Club hall to extend the building. The land cost 30 pounds. The working Men's club wanted to create a billiard room. The slates for the billiard table can still be seen under the hedge
Some objects made from the remains of the billiard table
The building was extended by adding the main hall area, creating the large airy space we know today
Picture of Wash Common Park from before the construction of Stuart Road. The backs of the houses of Charles street can be seen in the distance. This dates the picture to before 1936
18 March 1939
There was a good attendance at the Club Hall, Wash Common, on Friday last week, when Mr. Anthony Hurd, the prospective National Government candidate, addressed his first meeting ... " he went on to be Newbury's MP from 1945-1964. His son Douglas followed him into politics and became Foreign Secretrary serving in the governments of Margaret Thatcher and John Major from 1979 to 1995
Soldiers billet The Lancashire Fusiliers, followed by The Ox. and Bucks. Light Infantry
Eileen Barnes recalls - "According to my old neighbour, the Battery End hut was used for fund-raising during the war (while the men were serving in the forces) to clear the common along Stuart Road of gorse etc. that grew there and thats how we have a lovely park there today. They had regular whist drives, jumble sales and the like
in RB Tubs book he quotes Doris Baldwyns book "The vision that changed my life " Aparently, also during WW2 the building was divided into sections where evcuated families from London came and lived. Beds on one side and living space on the other. There was a small dark kitchen and one toilet to share
Wash Common Handbell Ringers old folks Christmas party in the early 1950s
The Cub pack started in 1957. Akela was Mrs "Cissie" Mister who ran the Wool Shop ('Bannisters' in Bartholomew Street, Newbury) and Mrs Wilcox, though the building was still very much a community facility. Rene Hanks was involved with the running a whist drive and also Reg Hanks ran a Rock and Roll club on a Monday night. Mrs Jennings providing the refreshments with soft drinks from the Newbury Mineral Company.
For the coronation of her majesty Queen Elizabeth II, a Childrens Coronation Party was held in the hut.
The Scout section was formed in November 1961 under Mr Shelton and Mr Dalby. The Troop began with 7 boys. Their first camp was with thousands of other Wolf Scouts at the Windsor international camp in 1962. The same year Mr Shelton became GSM. Mr Dalby taking over the expanding Troop with Mr Lewis and Mr Stephenson as ASMs.
First camp was to Windsor International Camp, Mr Sheldon became Group Scoutmaster, Scout Leader was Mr Jack Dalby who became Chairman of the Kennet and Avon Canal Trust.
In November 1964 The waiting list of boys for the cub pack had grown so large that a second pack was formed with Miss Dalby as Cub Scout Leader. By September 1965 the scout troop had grown to eight patrols of six and was too large for most purposes so it was divided into two sections. Mr Lewis became SM of the Friday section with Mr Wall as ASM. The Monday section had Mr Dalby As SM, Mr Stapleton acting as ASM. Mr Rogers a parent is also a regular and valued helper. Mr Cheyney represents the group in District Matters. Both sections share a common stock of scouting gear and content for camps. They also share the same able group committee, under they chairmanship of Mr Dyke, Mr Taylor is the Group Treasurer.
Second Scout troop was formed
The group finds itself on its participation in District activities always just missing first place in the district camping competition. They are also staunch supporters of the Countywide Mount trophy cycling competition which Keith Anderson and Kenneth Hughes won in 1964. The Knowall Trophy was won by the Group from the 6th Newbury in 1965, this troop rather unkindly won it back last year! Keith Anderson was the Groups First Cub, the First Scout and will, it is hoped, be the groups first Queen Scout shortly. The Groups greatest regret is so far they have not built up a viable senior section. In Mr Bristow they have an able captain but too small a Crew
St Francis De Sales Catholic Church set up back in the 60s and used the hut as a makeshift Church for Sunday masses. They then obtained the barn and land at Warren Road, and built their new church in the converted barn
Dances, Friday night Youth Club 21st Birthday party
The Club SIX run by Father Birt from St Georges. Helen Englefield Nee Cripps remember "Our Dad, Fred Cripps, helped Father Birt run a Youth Club and he later created a path outside the hut down one side from the slate panels from the billiard table he dismantled. The wood in the table was mahogany and he used it to make us dining chairs and table and he covered the seat with the green baize and Rob had a piece for his table football subutteo which he still has. A lot of other bits of furniture Dad made also originated from the table."
Christmas parties and practices/performances for a number of plays put on by Father Birt took place at the hut. Rob remembers going to rehearsals there. Mr Victor Rousell (headteacher at John Rankin school) played music there as well.
Helen Englefield remembers "My sister Sue remembers going to the youth club and trying to play billiards on the table. She also remembers having her first taste of Vimto and 7up there. She too still has some of the billiard table - Dad used some of the green baize on a semi circular card table, which is in use once a month. Anne only remembers one time going inside and that was for a Christmas bazaar which was opened by Lady Porchester aka Jean Countess of Caernavon. She bought a tiny whimsy of a bear cub!"
With thanks to Helen Englefield
Monday Night Club - Ann Worthington met her husband
I used to go to the Tuesday night club in the early 70s. Great fun. Dave James disco, hubbly bubbly, Vimto and the odd bottle of home made wine or a bottle of sherry sneaked in. Still friends with people I met there. Run by Phil Barnett and a teacher from St Barts
Tuesday night youth club with disco
Square dancing on Tuesday nights
Gifted to the Scout Association by Wash Common Working Mans Club it was run by 3 elderly gentlemen, the trustees were Fred Brown, Maurice Chivers and Thomas Dyke who were happy to be rid of the responsibility of the hut!
Dalby Akela Daphne Gibby remembers cubs picking out worms from the rotten floorboards
Cromwell Leader Ashley and his motorbike, Falkland Leader Skip John Rowlands
GSL Charles Lewis
Beaver Section opens at Wash Common, Ian Daniels was one of the original members
Eileen Finch Mister Pack - Wednesday nights
GSL George Ledgerwood
Second Beaver Section opens.
Dave Stork Hill Falkland Troop
Eugene Futcher Cromwell Troop
Geoff Bodin Falkland Troop Leader, assistant Leaders Rob Daniels, Paul Fisher, Stu Meades
The hut gets remodelled. Stores extended, kitchen moved and section cupboard spaces extended
Eileen Barnes remembers - I replaced my daughter-in-law as parent helper when my grandson was a Beaver (he's 23 now). The children were playing a game in the dark where they had to get from one end of the hall to the other without being caught. All well and good until one little darling kicked his legs back before running, caught me and I fell down, finishing the evening at Royal Berks Hospital with fractured right arm and leg.
GSL Colin Chandler
The hut in 2009
Hut closes for 6 months for remedial repairs costing £12,000
GSL Phil Davey, Chair Richard Parry
After the repairs, Battery End Hall is given 10 years left - less if there is a heavy winter. Plans begin to replace Scout hut on the original site.
June - The residents of Battery End hold a street party outside and inside the hut to celebrate the Queens 90th Birthday.
Fundraising for the new HQ begins...
GSL Rob Daniels, Chair Mike Goddard
Idea floated by Greenham Trust of buying some land and moving to Falkland Cricket Club
Full Planning Permission granted for a 4 bedroom house on Battery End, replacing the Scout hut.
Pandemic across the world, everything shuts down, but we continue the project. Fundraising becomes impossible, but we work on the contract to purchase the land behind Falkland Cricket Club. We also get ready to submit the full planning permission for our new HQ. Renders are completed and the design is finalised. Its starting to feel real.
This year kicks off with another lockdown but we press on! All our hard work in 2020 pays off with land purchase completed in January and Full planning permission granted in February! We have a Project!!!
Falkland Troop’s final meeting at Battery End on the 10th Janaury 2022. We had a Games night - Greatest Hits edition. All games I played as a Scout in Falkland Troop back in the late 1980’s - Dodgeball, Colditz, paper plane competition, Catch/drop and Red Run - Black Back. A fun evening to end our time there. Happy times
We get the keys to our new home at Ramblers Wood
1st Wash Common Scout Group hold the grand opening of the new hut at Ramblers Wood,Wash Common
1st Wash Common Scout Group Holborne Beaver Colony has its first meeting in the new HQ
If you have any stories or memories then please get in touch. CONTACT US
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